Attention All Seniors and anyone with a Disability:

Do you have fruit trees taking over your once so beautiful yard?

We will trim your trees and clean your yard, for FREE!

In return for our labor we ask that you donate some of your fruit to the organization.

(Small to Regular sized yards, PLEASE)


Dear Fellow American,


The Homeless Veterans Association of America has been providing services for homeless individuals in a sober environment. We provide services throughout the Inland Empire and surrounding Counties. 


We are a community and privately funded organization. Offering many services to homeless people, free of charge.

We look onto YOU, the Community, fellow Americans, true Patriots, to assist us in this battle in our HOMELAND! How can we help victims of disaster in foreign lands before helping those who have fought for us...our freedom. How is it humanly possible to have allowed approximately 30% of the homeless population to be homeless Veterans? Why are we not protecting our hero's? Have we simply forgotten what it is to be an American? What it stands for? What it truly means? The sacrifices made on our behalf, for our peace of mind......for our freedom!

It is our responsibility, to take care of our own. It is great to help others......but why try so hard when your help is needed right here, in your own back yard. I would solve the Worlds problems if I could, but realistically, if everyone started at could be a better place for everyone and relief could cost a lot less.

Its all about Caring and Change!


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